PEAKY ✂️ ALERT! A new interview with Peaky Blinders hair and makeup genius @lozs...

  • PEAKY ✂️ ALERT! A new interview with Peaky Blinders hair and makeup genius @lozschiavomakeup, by @sapphilittleton for @artefactmag. Some things Loz shared about The Haircut below. Read the full interview at A fun read! ⁣

    “On Season 1, I started with Joe Cole [John Shelby]. I sat him down and cut and coloured his hair into a very strong peaky cut, which I have to say looked amazing. This showed all the boys what to expect. When it came to cutting Cill’s hair [Thomas Shelby], we did it in stages. From a normal 1920s cut, it gradually got shorter. I put my twist into it and boom he had a peaky cut. I usually clipper Cill’s hair every second morning to make sure there was continuity to his hair episode to episode.”⁣

    “For the first couple of seasons, the guys would insist 'I’m not getting a Peaky cut next year', but guess what, they always ended up with a Peaky cut. Now, after five series of haircuts, they’re used to having the harsh style and have grown to tolerate it. They do make sure they all carry a hat with them once the show starts though. The guys can get away with being themselves in the streets but as soon as they get their classic peaky cuts, they become highly recognisable.”⁣

    Asking Loz how she felt about creating the most iconic haircut on TV, she very modestly answered, “the Peaky cut has become popular because of the success of the show and how well the guys wear it. I made a point of making the guys look sharp and wanted to highlight how fantastic men can look when they are groomed, hence bringing back classic barbering and making it cool and exciting again.”⁣
    #cillianmurphy #tommyshelby #peakyblinders #peakystyle

    Cillian Murphy

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  • PEAKY ✂️ ALERT! A new interview with Peaky Blinders hair and makeup genius @lozs...

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