Deadpool 2 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • MacGruber 2010

    Ex-special operative MacGruber Forte is called back into action to take down his archenemy Dieter Von Cunth Kilmer whos in possession of a nuclear warhead and bent on destroying Washington DC.

    MacGruber features humorous, not serious, parody, absurd and funny style.

  • Deadpool 2 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • Get Smart 2008

    When the identities of secret agents from Control are compromised the Chief promotes hapless but eager analyst Maxwell Smart and teams him with stylish capable Agent 99 the only spy whose cover remains intact. Can they work together to thwart the ...

    Get Smart features exciting, not serious, humorous, parody and funny style.

  • Deadpool 2 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • Paul 2011

    For the past 60 years a space-traveling smart-ass named Paul has been locked up in a top-secret military base advising world leaders about his kind. But when he worries hes outlived his usefulness and the dissection table is drawing ...

    Paul features funny, humorous, parody, sentimental and not serious style.

  • Deadpool 2 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • Hot Shots! Part Deux 1993

    Topper Harley is found to be working as an odd-job-man in a monastery. The CIA want him to lead a rescue mission into Iraq to rescue the last rescue team who went in to rescue the last rescue team who... who went in to rescue hostages left behind ...

    Hot Shots! Part Deux features parody, humorous, not serious, exciting and witty style.

  • Deadpool 2 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • Dumb and Dumber To 2014

    20 years after the dimwits set out on their first adventure they head out in search of one of their long lost children in the hope of gaining a new kidney.

    Dumb and Dumber To features buddy comedy, idiotic, humorous, not serious and road movie style.

  • Deadpool 2 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • In the final seconds of the closing hand drawn credits that drop away, it briefly reveals an accurate hand drawn map of Vancouver, B.C. where much of Deadpool 2 was filmed.

  • Deadpool 2 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • Daniel Scheinert who is best known for working with fellow director Dan Kwan known as DANIELS, the duo had an opportunity to meet with producers that could have led to them directing this film. Since director David Leitch ended up being at the helm of the comic book sequel, While making the publicity rounds for The Death of Dick Long (watch the trailer here), Daniel Scheinert talked about passing up a meeting with 20th Century Fox to direct Deadpool 2. Scheinert explained to IndieWire: "My dad was so upset that we didn't take the meeting for 'Deadpool 2.' I'm sure they took meetings with tons of people. But we were like, 'We're not right for that,' and didn't take the meeting. Dan and I legitimately think we'd do a bad job on that kind of movie at this point in our careers. Directing's really hard, but if you're really passionate about it, it's worthwhile to follow your impulses -- whereas trying to continue a franchise or punch up someone's script, or diving into some IP is a really challenging thing. It's not us being like, 'Ooh, we're original filmmakers.' We're just trying to be self-aware about what we're good at." To be clear, DANIELS said that they "weren't even offered" Deadpool 2. But it still takes a keen sense of self-awareness to turn down a potentially career-changing opportunity like that meeting. You can't help but respect the fact that they both know their limits as filmmakers right now and know exactly the kind of movies they want to make. While DANIELS has the kind of dark but comedic storytelling sensibilities that would serve Deadpool well, there have to be some indie filmmakers out there who don't make the leap to studio blockbusters, all so we can keep getting movies like Swiss Army Man and The Death of Dick Long. Scheinert confirmed as much: "Obviously, when it comes to someone else's material, I'm attracted to things like death of 'Dick Long,' not 'Deadpool.'"

  • Deadpool 2 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • The Thanksgiving 2017 poster with Deadpool, Cable and the rest of the cast sitting around the table as Deadpool brings out a turkey is based on the "Freedom From Want" painting by Norman Rockwell.

  • Deadpool 2 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • At one point Deadpool calls Negasonic "Sabrina the Teenage Witch". Reynolds played Seth in the 1996 movie 'Sabrina the Teenage Witch (1996)'.

  • Deadpool 2 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • The model for Colossus was altered from the first film to make him more "chiseled and angular".

  • Deadpool 2 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • Brad Pitt met with the director to discuss the part of Cable, but couldn't commit due to scheduling conflicts. However, Pitt does have a small cameo in this film.

  • Deadpool 2 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • When the power-dampener collar is on in prison, Wade's cancer comes back with a vengeance. He's constantly vomiting, coughing, and barely able to walk. Although not explicitly stated in the first movie, Wade's regenerative powers keep his cancer in check, but the disease is too far advanced to be completely cured. His body constantly fights it, but the cancer grows back at the same rate, so when his regeneration is temporarily halted, the cancer symptoms immediately resume again.

  • Deadpool 2 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • White and Grey morality; Colossus's arc in the film seems to be learning that things are not as simple as his "The Paragon/Idealistic" idea of being a hero seems to be. Deadpool points out how unrealistic this kind of heroism really is and manages to get him to fight dirty during his battle with Juggernaut (to impressive effect) and even gets him to swear as a last request from a dying Deadpool.

  • Deadpool 2 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • A painting of Cyclops which would have acknowledged that character as Cable's father was ultimately cut, but the Techno-Organic Virus that Cable is inflicted with and his daughter Hope are depicted.

  • Deadpool 2 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • The Chinese sign seen behind Deadpool when he's on the roof literally says "Dead Pool" or "Pool of Death" in Chinese, the writers were not sure which.

  • Deadpool 2 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • When Deadpool interacts with the child eating cereal who mentions he is just an X-Men trainee, Wade signs the cereal box as Ryan Reynolds while the box also has an image of Wolverine on it

  • Deadpool 2 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • Deadpool regrowing his legs, is similar to the previous film in which he regrows his hand.

  • Deadpool 2 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • The writers said they always knew they wanted to have Deadpool experience death at the end of the movie.

  • Deadpool 2 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • The shot of the X-men mansion as Wade is being dragged down the steps by Colossus, is the same shot used in the movie Masterminds with Vincent Kartheiser, and Patrick Stewart who of course plays Charles Xavier in the X-men movies.

  • Deadpool 2 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • Yukio and Negasonic Teenage Warhead weren't originally in the third act, until the writers realized they needed to pay off that relationship and those characters.

  • Deadpool 2 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

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