Star Wars: The Force Awakens ending explained (spoilers)

  • Kylo Ren is really Ben Solo, son of Han Solo and Princess (now General) Leia. Han is killed by Ren in Starkiller Base. Tapping into her dormant Force powers, Rey fights Ren in the snow outside, as the planet is ripped apart after the strike team scores a fatal blow. Separated by a chasm, she and Finn escape on the Millennium Falcon while Kylo Ren, injured, is retrieved and taken to Supreme Leader Snoke to complete his training.

    Back with the Resistance, R2-D2 awakes from his low power mode and provides the missing piece of the map leading to the location of Luke Skywalker. Rey takes his lightsaber and flies out on the Falcon with Chewbacca, meeting Luke, who's standing along on a cliff, clearly having sensed her pending arrival...

  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens ending explained (spoilers)

  • Luke pilots an X-Wing fighter along a channel on the space stations surface. As hes about to release a torpedo, three Imperial fighters led by Vader come in behind and target him. Just as Vader is about to fire, Han and Chewbacca fly in and blast one of the fighters. Vaders ship is clipped by the other fighter and spins out of control into deep space. Luke fires the torpedo and hits the target. The Death Star explodes. In a grand ceremony, Princess Leia awards Luke and Han medals for their efforts.

  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens ending explained (spoilers)

  • It turns out that Rogue is actually Tom Lone, Crawfords supposedly murdered partner. When Rogue shot Lones wife and daughter, Lone overpowered Rogue and shot him dead. He then burned down the house, took Rogues passports and the like, and had reconstructive surgery to look like Rogue. While Rogue/Lone is battling Shiro, the leader of the Yakuza, Shiro reveals that he wanted Lone dead after wounding Rogue, and an FBI agent gave him Lones location; specifically, John Crawford. At the end, Lone shoots Crawford, maybe lethally, and kills Shiro and the Triad boss. In the next scene he is then shown getting into a car and driving somewhere, most likely to start a new life.

  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens ending explained (spoilers)

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