Ghostbusters ending explained (spoilers)

  • After they destroy the marshmallow man, they rescue Dana from being a dog.

  • Ghostbusters ending explained (spoilers)

  • The Ghostbusters mark the supernatural incidents on a New York map and realise they form ley lines, intersecting at the hotel where creepy Rowan works.

    At the hotel they find his lair, where he has a machine he plans to use to release all ghosts and cause an apocalypse. They try to persuade him to stop, but at the last second he electrocutes himself in the machine. At first it appears the crisis is over as he is dead, but then they realise he is coming back as a powerful ghost to lead the other ghosts into the apocalypse.

    Rowan possesses Melissa McCarthy, and then Chris Hemsworth, and opens the portal to the afterlife. Ghosts flood out and start destroying New York, including Slimer, who steals the Ghostbusters car. Rowan takes the form of a huge ghost from the Ghostbusters logo.

    The Ghostbusters realise they can only close the portal by making their car fall into it, carrying the nuclear pack it contains. The portal begins to shut, sucking in all the ghosts; at the last moment the huge Ghost grabs Melissa McCarthy and is sucked in with her. Kristen Wiig loops a cable round herself and dives into the portal, firing her proton stream at the huge Ghost, forcing him to let Melissa McCarthy go and grabs her. The other Ghostbusters reel the pair back in to safety.

    The film ends with the Ghostbusters back in their office, watching a panorama of skyscrapers at night displaying we love GB in neon lights.

  • Ghostbusters ending explained (spoilers)

  • When confronted by the ghostbusters in his lair beneath the hotel, Rowan electrocutes himself, freeing his spirit to possess mortal beings. He first possesses Abby, and tries to use her to kill Jillian, but Patty stops her. At that point, Kevin pulls up on a motorcycle and is quickly possessed by Rowan, who chooses to use Kevins body to enact his grand scheme - releasing ghosts all over Manhattan.

    Kevin returns to Rowans lair and reactivates his summoning device, which releases hundreds of ghosts and opens a portal to the netherworld. As Erin joins the team to combat the threat, Slimer quickly steals their car, the ECTO-1, with a girl Slimer and some random spooks in the back.

    After busting (as in destroying) several ghosts, the ghostbusters once again confront Rowan (as Kevin). Rowan leaves Kevins body and takes the form of the ghost from the GB logo, but inflates himself to a monstrous size. Unable to contain him, Jillian comes up with the idea that the nuclear accelerators on the ECTO-1s roof could reverse the flow of the portal if they are caused to melt down. As luck would have it, Slimer comes around the bend barreling down at the hotel. The ghostbusters aim their positron gliders at the accelerators, and cause the portal to suck in all supernatural forms. Rowan tries to drag Abby down with him, but she is saved by Erin. All damage done by the ghosts is reversed, and the previously destroyed hotel is restored to good as new.

    Mayor Bradleys assistant Jennifer Lynch discreetly thanks the ghostbusters for their work on behalf of the city and tells them that the city will no longer interfere with their activities. The ghostbusters toast their victory.

    Post credits:
    While listening to an audio recording taken from a supposedly haunted location, Patty asks the others What is Zuul?

    Notable appearances: Bill Murray - as paranormal debunker Martin Heiss, who is killed by the first ghost captured by the ghostbusters (as was always promised by Murray should he ever star in a future GB film) Annie Potts - as a hotel receptionist who delivers her signature line from 1984, WHADDYA WANT? Dan Aykroyd - as a snobby cabdiver who delivers the films iconic catchphrase I aint afraid of no ghost! Ernie Hudson - as Pattys uncle, the funeral parlor owner, and begrudged lessor of the ECTO-1 hearse. Sigourney Weaver - as Jillian Holtzmanns idol paranormal technologist Rebecca Gorin

    PLOT HOLE: When Rowan takes possession of Kevin, he is able to manipulate all police and first responders to hold them in place and make them dance. Why not have them kill the ghostbusters? I still enjoyed the heck out of this film, and I can probably do a one-man show of the 1984 film.

  • Ghostbusters ending explained (spoilers)

  • Patrick Swayze uses Whoopi Goldberg to convince his girlfriend Demi Moore that he was murdered. He was set up to be murdered by his friend Tony Goldwyn and his accomplice. The two bad guys die and go to hell. Patrick Swayze has one last dance with Demi Moore to Unchained Melody and then he goes to heaven.

  • Ghostbusters ending explained (spoilers)

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