Movies like Misery (movies similar to Misery)

  • Fear 1996

    A 16 year old girl takes up with a charming young man who quickly shows his colors when he beats a friend simply for walking with her and then goes totally ballistic after she tries to break up with him.

    Fear features suspenseful, sexual, serious, rough and psychological style.

  • Movies like Misery (movies similar to Misery)

  • The Perfect Host 2010

    A criminal on the run cons his way into the wrong dinner party where the host is anything but ordinary.

    The Perfect Host features twists and turns, surprise ending, psychological, twist ending and intense style.

  • Movies like Misery (movies similar to Misery)

  • P2 2007

    Angela a corporate climber gets stuck working late on Christmas Eve and finds herself the target of an unhinged security guard. With no help in sight the woman must overcome physical and psychological challenges to survive.

    P2 features psychological, tense, suspenseful, scary and suspense style.

  • Movies like Misery (movies similar to Misery)

  • Alone 2020

    A recently widowed traveler is kidnapped by a cold blooded killer only to escape into the wilderness where she is forced to battle against the elements as her pursuer closes in on her.

    Alone features suspense, disturbing, tense, suspenseful and biting style.

  • Movies like Misery (movies similar to Misery)

  • Fear 1996

    A 16 year old girl takes up with a charming young man who quickly shows his colors when he beats a friend simply for walking with her and then goes totally ballistic after she tries to break up with him.

    Fear features suspenseful, sexual, serious, rough and psychological style.

  • Movies like Misery (movies similar to Misery)

  • The Hidden Face 2011

    A Spanish orchestra conductor deals with the mysterious disappearance of his girlfriend.

    The Hidden Face features suspenseful, psychological, suspense, twist ending and enigmatic style.

  • Movies like Misery (movies similar to Misery)

  • Fear 1996

    A 16 year old girl takes up with a charming young man who quickly shows his colors when he beats a friend simply for walking with her and then goes totally ballistic after she tries to break up with him.

    Fear features sexual, psychological, sexy, suspense and suspenseful style.

  • Movies like Misery (movies similar to Misery)

  • Single White Female 1992

    Attractive Manhattanite Allison Jones has it all a handsome beau a rent-controlled apartment and a promising career as a fashion designer. When boyfriend Sam proves unfaithful Allison strikes out on her own but must use the classifieds to seek ...

    Single White Female features suspenseful, suspense, erotic, sexy and intense style.

  • Movies like Misery (movies similar to Misery)

  • P2 2007

    Angela a corporate climber gets stuck working late on Christmas Eve and finds herself the target of an unhinged security guard. With no help in sight the woman must overcome physical and psychological challenges to survive.

    P2 features psychological, slasher, scary, suspense and serious style.

  • Movies like Misery (movies similar to Misery)

  • The Call 2013

    Jordan Turner is an experienced 911 operator but when she makes an error in judgment and a call ends badly Jordan is rattled and unsure if she can continue. But when teenager Casey Welson is abducted in the back of a mans car and calls 911 ...

    The Call features suspense, suspenseful, surprise ending, psychological and tense style.

  • Movies like Misery (movies similar to Misery)

  • The Dead Zone 1983

    Johnny Smith is a schoolteacher with his whole life ahead of him but after leaving his fiancees home one night is involved in a car crash which leaves him in a coma for 5 years. When he wakes he discovers he has an ability to see into the ...

    The Dead Zone features suspense, neo noir, psychological, dark and suspenseful style.

  • Movies like Misery (movies similar to Misery)

  • Cape Fear 1991

    Sam Bowden is a small-town corporate attorney. Max Cady is a tattooed cigar-smoking bible-quoting psychotic rapist. What do they have in common Fourteen years ago Sam was a public defender assigned to Max Cadys rape trial and he made a ...

    Cape Fear features psychological, suspenseful, neo noir, tense and suspense style.

  • Movies like Misery (movies similar to Misery)

  • Alone 2020

    A recently widowed traveler is kidnapped by a cold blooded killer only to escape into the wilderness where she is forced to battle against the elements as her pursuer closes in on her.

    Alone features suspense, psychological, suspenseful, tense and dark style.

  • Movies like Misery (movies similar to Misery)

  • Dolores Claiborne 1995

    Dolores Claiborne was accused of killing her abusive husband twenty years ago but the courts findings were inconclusive and she was allowed to walk free. Now she has been accused of killing her employer Vera Donovan and this time there is a ...

    Dolores Claiborne features suspense, psychological, disturbing, enigmatic and scary style.

  • Movies like Misery (movies similar to Misery)

  • Copycat 1995

    An agoraphobic psychologist and a female detective must work together to take down a serial killer who copies serial killers from the past.

    Copycat features suspense, detective, psychological thriller, psychological and surprise ending style.

  • Movies like Misery (movies similar to Misery)

  • Disturbia 2007

    Kale is a 17-year-old placed under house arrest after punching his teacher. He is confined to his house and decides to use his free time spying on his neighbors. Things start to get weird when guests enter the Turners house and dont ...

    Disturbia features suspense, suspenseful, psychological, intense and psychological thriller style.

  • Movies like Misery (movies similar to Misery)

  • Geralds Game 2017

    When her husbands sex game goes wrong Jessie who is handcuffed to a bed in a remote lake house faces warped visions dark secrets and a dire choice.

    Geralds Game features psychological, suspense, psychological horror, disturbing and scary style.

  • Movies like Misery (movies similar to Misery)

  • The Disappearance of Alice Creed 2009

    A rich mans daughter is held captive in an abandoned apartment by two former convicts who abducted her and hold her ransom in exchange for her fathers money.

    The Disappearance of Alice Creed features disturbing, suspenseful, psychological, sexy and suspense style.

  • Movies like Misery (movies similar to Misery)

  • Hush 2016

    A deaf woman is stalked by a psychotic killer in her secluded home.

    Hush features slasher, suspense, suspenseful, scary and dark style.

  • Movies like Misery (movies similar to Misery)

  • Titane 2021

    Following a series of unexplained crimes a former firefighter is reunited with his son who has been missing for 10 years.

    Titane features disturbing, tense, surreal, cerebral and art house style.

  • Movies like Misery (movies similar to Misery)

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