Star Trek - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • James Kyson was interested in the role of Hikaru Sulu, but the producers of Heroes (2006) were not keen on having two of their leading cast members away for three months (Zachary Quinto being the other).

  • Star Trek - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • There is a scene in which cadets are boarding shuttle craft inside a huge, cavernous hangar. This hangar is real, one of two giant blimp hangars located at Marine Corps Air Station Tustin, in Tustin, California. The base is now operated by the Orange County Sheriff's Academy, and consists mostly of cadet housing.

  • Star Trek - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • The computer listed in the credits that was used to help create the movie is called the Gene Roddenberry.

  • Star Trek - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • This is Leonard Nimoy's first live-action film role since Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991).

  • Star Trek - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • According to Karl Urban, film production and shooting were ULTRA-secret: "There is a level of security and secrecy that we have all been forced to adopt. It's really kind of paranoid crazy, but sort of justified. We're not allowed to walk around in public in our costumes and we had to be herded around everywhere in these golf carts that are completely concealed and covered in black canvas." No amount of precaution was enough, Simon Pegg read the script with a security guard close by, and supporting cast members like Jennifer Morrison were given scripts with only their scenes. The few people given access to the film during its highly secretive production were Rod Roddenberry, Ronald D. Moore, Nichelle Nichols, Walter Koenig, Jonathan Frakes, Ben Stiller, Tom Cruise, and Steven Spielberg.

  • Star Trek - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • On Star Trek: The Original Series (1966), props used on the set (notably McCoy's medical scanner) were actually salt shakers doubling as futuristic equipment. In the 2009 movie, after picking (and losing) a bar-fight on Earth, Kirk (Chris Pine) sits at a bar table. Licking his wounds, he lifts a small metal model of a starship off the table. As he fidgets with it, you can see it's in fact a salt shaker - there's an "S" on the dish portion of the ship's hull, and when Kirk turns it over, salt streams out.

  • Star Trek - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • During the scene where the cadets are assigned to their starships, Uhura complains to Spock that she has been assigned to the Farragut. In Star Trek lore, the Farragut is the ship to which Kirk was assigned after graduating from the Academy, and before his promotion to Captain of the Enterprise. It's named after Admiral David G. Farragut, who coined the famous phrase "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!"

  • Star Trek - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • FRANCHISE TRADEMARK: (Vasquez) A reference was made to the inclusion of Vasquez Rock to the Vulcan landscape. However, this was not mentioned that in the cave when Kirk is first carrying on a conversation with the original Spock, a scene pans past a miniature model of Vasquez Rock inside the cave to Spock's left in the scene frame.

  • Star Trek - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • In this film, James T. Kirk was born in 2233; he wrecks a 1965 Corvette Stingray in 2243, this means that a 10-year-old Kirk destroys a 278-year-old car.

  • Star Trek - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • According to John Cho, after filming ended, J.J. Abrams gave the cast small boxes containing little telescopes, which allowed them to read the name of each constellation this was pointed at: "I think he just wanted each of us to look at the stars a little differently."

  • Star Trek - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

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