The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Ending Explained (SPOILERS)

  • The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Ending Explained (SPOILERS)

  • The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Ending Explained (SPOILERS)

    Gwen and Peter kill Electro by overpowering him with energy. Harry Osborne, in full green goblin form, kidnaps Gwen and takes her to a clock tower. After a fight, Gwen hangs on a web that is about to be severed by the rotating gears of the clock. As Spider-Man subdues the green goblin, the web snaps. As she falls Spider-Man jumps after her. Just as shes about to hit the ground he catches her, but the whiplash of her neck happens and her head hits the floor. She is killed instantly, leaving Peter sobbing by her corpse.

    Harry (Dane DeHaan) is set up by Oscorp corporate lawyer Donald Menken (Colm Feore) to look as though he tried to cover up the death of Max Dillon/Electro (Jamie Foxx).

    Harry frees Electro in an effort to take back Oscorp.

    Peter (Andrew Garfield) discovers his fathers secret laboratory at the abandoned Roosevelt track (it had been used to secretly transport president Roosevelt during the war).

    Peter finds out that his fathers experiments at Oscorp involved radiating human DNA in the spiders in an effort to find a way for healthy cells to reproduce within the body. What no one else knew was that the DNA was his own. The project was being funded privately by Norman Osborn (Chris Cooper) to find a cure for his own genetic disease, but Richard discovered that he also planned to ultimately use the research for biological weapons development, and decided to shut the project down. This unfortunately meant that he and his wife needed to flee New York and leave Peter with Richards older brother Ben and wife May. Now knowing that his father is not a traitor, Peter returns to the streets of New York.
    After freeing Electro, Harry forces Menken, at gunpoint, to take him to the secret weapons wing, and injects himself with the serum that supposedly would cure him, but really is meant to sync his body with the suit attached to the Goblin Glider.

    Gwen (Emma Stone) helps Peter to magnetize his web shooters so that Electro wont zap them. It works. Peter tries to keep Gwen away from the action, even though she wants to help like she did in his conflict with the Lizard.

    Spider-Man tracks down Electro to the Oscorpower facility at Ravencroft. Gwen follows him and stays to help against his insistence that she shouldnt be there. Gwen tells him that if he distracts Electro, she can restart the power grid. Spider-Man leads Electro to the main power grid and attaches multiple webs to the conductors in an effort to overload Electro once he starts releasing massive power. Spider-Man signals Gwen to restart the grid, and as she does, Electros power goes into overdrive, the city becomes repowered, and Electro dissipates.

    Its not over yet. Harry swoops in as the Goblin, and immediately figures out that Spider-Man is Peter. Harry grabs Gwen and flies her to the top of the clock tower. Spider-Man does not engage him, and simply asks that he let Gwen go. Harry does, and she falls, to be saved several times by Spider-Man, but for each save, Harry attacks again. Spider-Man finally wraps a web around Harrys neck and ties him to a cog, which finally subdues him, but also causes Gwen to fall.

    Spider-Man shoots a carefully coordinated web shot to catch Gwen, but in doing so, he breaks her neck, and she dies.

    Peter spends the next 5 months in seclusion, heartbroken over his loss. The Man with the Hat (who I am saying is the Chameleon, which would fit in with the Sinister Six plot that seems to be developing) visits Harry in prison, who tells him that its time to move forward. He gives the Rhino suit toAleksei Sytsevich(Paul Giamatti).

    While rampaging through the city, the Rhino has a standoff with a little boy dressed in a Spider-Man suit. Suddenly, the real thing shows up, and the fight goes into the credits.

  • The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Ending Explained (SPOILERS)

  • Peter learns his father used his own blood to modify spiders, and only people in his bloodline can be enhanced properly. Harry is injected with venom extracted from the modified spiders. Gwen and Peter make up. They overload Electro, who appears to explode and vanish. Harry arrives wearing combat weaponry and deduces that Peter is Spider-Man. During the ensuing fight, Gwen falls. Peter shoots a web to save her but she dies either from the kickback from the web or her head hitting the ground. Harry is held in Ravencroft and hatches plans to form the Sinister Six with Gustav Fiers. After finally listening to Gwens graduation speech, Peter decides to come back as Spider-Man.

  • The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Ending Explained (SPOILERS)

  • Spider-Man (Peter Parker) saves Mary Jane and the kids before Green Goblin (Norman Osborne) takes off with him. After a brutal fight, Green Goblin reveals himself to Spider-Man as Norman. While Spider-Man is in shock, Goblin tries to kill Spider-Man one last time, but ends up impaling himself with his glider. Before Goblin dies, he asks Spider-Man not to tell Harry about him being the Green Goblin. The dead body of Norman is taken home by Spider-Man and Harry thinks Spider-Man murdered him. Later at Norman Osbornes funeral, Harry vows to get revenge against Spider-Man, then tells Peter how good of a friend he is. Afterwards, Peter opts not to end up with Mary Jane for fear of her getting hurt and they kiss. Peter wanders off alone as Mary Jane is reminded of the kiss from Spider-Man from earlier.

  • The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Ending Explained (SPOILERS)

  • Needing the expensive metal to finish his machine, Doc Ock goes to Harry to get it. But in exchange for the metal, Harry wants Ock to bring Spider-Man to him in order to avenge his father, Norman. Ock kidnaps Mary Jane and tells Peter to bring him Spider-Man or hell kill her. After this, Peter gets his powers back and steals his suit from Jamesons office. When he finally meets with Ock, a fight insues, in which Peter loses his mask. After Ock steals the breaks from a train, Spider-Man uses his all of his strength to stop it from going off of an unfinished track, which exhausts him. Before he is able to collapse, the passengers gently bring him into train where they all see his face. They also return his mask promising to keep his identity secret. Doc Ock breaks things up, however, by knocking Spidy out and bringing him to Harry. When Harry discovers the Peter is Spider-Man, he is left in shock but tells him where to find Doc Ock and MJ. Upon finding them Peter gets into a fight with Ock and after convincing him to destroy his machine before it destroys the city, Peter saves MJ from being crushed by the slowly crumbling building. She then realises that Peter is Spider-Man and they make it out just in time. But Ock doesnt. Peter tells her that he cant be with her because of the risks involved. Back at the Osborn mansion, Harry is still haunted by his fathers spirit. He then discovers his fathers old Goblin suit, pumpkin bombs, and glider. MJ decides not to marry Jamesons son and runs to Peters apartment. She then tells Peter that she wants to be with him instead and they seal the deal with a kiss. They then hear the sound of sirens outside and she watches as he swings off into the sunset, knowing full well what shes gotten herself into.

  • The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Ending Explained (SPOILERS)

  • Pooper: (Thanks Herbmeistr):
    The Lizard makes an aerosolized version of the genetic mutation formula and infects several police officers with it. Peter figures out that The Lizard plans to launch the aerosol formula through Oscorps vapor machine, which would shower it over all of Manhattan, infecting all citizens. Gwen initiates an emergency evacuation of Oscorp so that she can develop an antidote to be launched instead.

    Captain Stacy and the police manage to incapacitate Spider-Man temporarily. When he comes to, Peter reveals his identity to Capt. Stacy, who then decides to help Gwen and Peter load the genetic antidote into the Oscorp vapor machine.

    On the roof, Capt. Stacy and Spider-Man confront the Lizard. Capt. Stacy briefly subdues him with liquid nitrogen while Spider-Man makes his way to the machine to load the antidote. The Lizard stabs Capt. Stacy with his claws and goes after Spider-Man. Spider-Man loads the antidote just as the machine launches the device. As the antidote rains over New York, the tower on top of the building topples over. Spider-Man almost falls to his death but is caught by The Lizard, who is quickly transforming back into Dr. Conners.

    Capt. Stacy tells Peter that he will make enemies, and to only promise that he keep his daughter Gwen out of it. He then dies from his wound.

    Peter returns home to Aunt May, and indicates to Gwen that they will continue to see each other when he is not Spider-Man.

    Long Version: (Thanks Evan):
    The film starts with a young Peter Parker (when a teenager, played by Andrew Garfield) being leftwithhis Aunt May (Sally Field) and Uncle Ben (Martin Sheen) by his parents after unidentified assailants break into the fathers home-office, clearly looking for something he doesnt want revealed. The parents, after a tearful farewell, walk out the door never to return.

    We flash forward to where Peter Parker (later to become our hero, the AmazingSpider-Man) is a young, high school science geek who, nonetheless, is not afraid to try and stand up to bullies. He still lives with his aunt and uncle, and has clearly inherited the scientific genius of his father. He has a crush on stunningly smart schoolmate, Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone), one of the few people more accomplished than him at school. One night, while helping his Uncle Ben identify an issue with a broken water pump in the house,Peter discovers his fathers old satchel. Later that night, he accesses a hidden compartment thatcontains various papers, including one witha formula scrawled on it. He also determines that his father worked with one-armed scientist Dr. Curt Connors (Rhys Ifans) at Oscorp. The pair studied inter-species cross-genetics.

    Peter manages to sneak into Oscorp with a group of interns and discovers that Connors is working on a project to combine human and lizard DNA so that humans can enjoy the regenerative processes that lizards have (i.e. when their tails come off, they can grow new ones). Peter sneaks off into a room containing many dozens of spiders (his father had focused on work with spiders when Peter was a kid) and is, fatefully, bitten by one of them. On his way home, Peter continues to accidentally stick to things and inadvertently displays super-human strength. We also learn that Dr. Connors experiments are too unstable thanks to a missing formula, and that he and fellow Oscorp employee Irrfan Kahn (Rajit Ratha) played some sort of role in the Parkers disappearance.

    Peter quickly determines that he has gained super-human spider powers, and uses them to exact comical revenge on the school bully. He also personally visits Dr. Connors and gives him the formula he found from his father, thus seeminglystabilizing Connors own cross-species formula. He also awkwardly asks Gwen on a date. Peter begins becoming cocky and careless, and when Uncle Ben gives him aspeech about responsibilitythat hehad learned from Peters dad, Peter storms outof the house angrily after yelling that his dad was irresponsible for abandoning him as a child.Uncle Ben runs after young Peter. Meanwhile, Peter refuses to stop a thief with a tattoo on his wrist who steals cash from a convenience store, and the thief later encounters and murders Uncle Ben.

    Peter goes on a mission of vengeance (and strains his relationship with Aunt May, while remaining undependable), attacking and delivering to the police various robbers who fit the description of the store thief, but none bear the tattoo (in fact, Spidey never does find the thief). Eventually, Peter builds mechanical web-shooters and designs his Spider-Man suit. He is invited over to Gwens house for dinner where he gets into an argument with her father George Stacy (Denis Leary), the police captain of NYC. Captain Stacy notes that Spider-Man is not a hero as he only attacks criminals who share the same physical characteristics (forcing Parker to realize he is using his powers selfishly), is interfering in police investigations by preemptively nabbing villains, and is working outside the law. Later that night, Peter reveals to Gwen that he is Spider-Man and the two share a passionate first kiss, with her admitting she thinks Spidey is a force of good.

    Meanwhile, Connors formula is a seemingsuccess, regenerating mice with missing limbs. It is revealed that the founder of Oscorp, Norman Osborn, is dying and needs the formula to regenerate.Kahn insists they move onto human testing, but Connors refuses and is fired (and Kahn takes the formula, threatening to inject it secretly into wounded war vets). Depressed, Connors looks at his arm stump and injects himself with the formula. He wakes up to find a new arm has grown, but the formula proves to be unstable despite the use of Peters dads formula. Connors soon morphs into a giant Lizard (huge tail and claws, is about seven feet tall, and insanely strong) and races off after Kahns car.

    Lizard and Spider-Man (in his first selflessly heroic act) fight on the bridge, with Spidey saving Kahns life. Spider-Man then saves a child who was trapped in a car that the Lizard had tossed off the bridge. The Lizard flees before the police show up, and Spider-Man is blamed for the damage. Peter knows, however, that he is the only one who can stop the Lizard. He visits Connors in the lab and discovers he is the Lizard when he notices that the test-mice have also developedcarnivorousreptilian qualities. Spidey and the Lizard fight several more times (with Lizard discovering that Peter is behind the mask), with Peter being brutally beaten during most conflicts. Though his bond with Gwen grows stronger, her father distrusts Spider-Man more than ever. Meanwhile, the Lizard decides to improve humanity by turning them all into lizard-type people by disbursing the lizard-serum in gas formusing a powerful machine atop Oscorp tower.

    The two super-beings fight in the streets, with the Lizard defeating and/or morphing the cops into lizards. The police go after Spider-Man just as hard, eventually capturing him. Captain Stacy unmasks our hero and discovers that it is Peter, who pleads with him to be freed so he can save Gwen who is at Oscorp tower (where the Lizard is heading).Gwen is using her genius to develop an antidote to the Lizard formula. Captain Stacy lets Spider-Man go, although it is shown that he has been wounded by his struggle with the police. Gwen does everything she can to stop the Lizard from reaching the machine atop Oscorp tower, but is unsuccessful and he activates the machine. With the assist of the people of NYC (led by the father of the child Spidey saved on the bridge), Spider-Man reaches the tower and confronts the Lizard. The Lizard bests him (and breaks his web-shooters),when Captain Stacy appears and helps freeze the Lizard using liquid nitrogen. He gives Spider-Man the antidote Gwen developed and tells him to save the city while he holds off the quickly thawing Lizard. Captain Stacy is mortally wounded, but holds off the Lizard while Spider-Man successfully switches the Lizard serum for the antidote, which the Oscorp machine disburses throughout the city, restoring all infected humans. Spider-Man plummets off Oscorp tower, but is rescued by Connors, whose humanity has been restored. It is too late for Captain Stacy though, who endorses Spider-Mans mission but makes Peter promise to leave Gwen out of his life.

    Peter returns home and has an emotional reunion with Aunt May, and it is implied she knows of (and accepts)his double life. Peter attends Captain Stacys funeral from afar, and when Gwen confronts him, he pushes her away (though she concludes that her father made him promise to leave her alone). Ultimately though, Peter confesses to Gwen that his promise to her father is one he cannot keep, and she smiles. We then see the typical hero ending, with Spidey web-slinging his way through the streets of NYC.

    Secret Scene:
    We see Connors being escorted to a dark jail cell (and also notice that he still seems to be suffering some effects of the lizard-serum). He appears to be alone, but a figure stands in the shadows of the cell (and we are literally, never told nor explained who the figure is). The figure asks Connors how much Peter knows about his parents, and Connors silence confirms to the figure that Peter knows very little. The figure is pleased by the info and begins leaving the cell, while Connors pleads with him (likely in vain) to leave Peter alone.

  • The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Ending Explained (SPOILERS)

  • Captain Stacy distracts the Lizard long enough for Peter to save the day, but gets himself fatally wounded. With his dying breath he makes Peter promise he will stay away from Gwen for her protection. Dr. Conors, no longer the Lizard, ends up in jail where he is interrogated by a mysterious man about how much Peter knows of his parents death.

  • The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Ending Explained (SPOILERS)

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