Edge of Tomorrow - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • In the Japanese manga, the last hold-out free of the aliens was the Fuso Peninsula, Japan.

  • Edge of Tomorrow - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • In the book, Rita lost her parents when she was fifteen. Her grades were average and she wasn't any good at sports and she could fool people with her crying. Her family is from Illinois, unlike the English Emily Blunt, and she grew up on a farm with no military aspirations, but enlisted when Mimics decimated her home and town, killing 1,500 people, including her parents. She was underage, but used a phony passport that gave her a new last name. The Mimics came to Earth to terraform it, meaning to transform it into a planet that suited their needs, and not ours. Rita earned the Thor Medal of Valor after killing ten or more Mimics in a single battle, which was rare. She received it on just her second battle. Rita had enlisted half a year before becoming trapped in the loop after killing a Mimic in battle to retake the Florida peninsula that lost 28,000 troops. Mimics possess the ability to see through time which is how they were able to win so many battles against humanity, and how Cage and Rita became trapped in time. Rita went through 211 loops of two days and won a medal, the Order of the Valkyrie for killing over one hundred Mimics in a single battle, a singular honor. Rita escaped the loop after finding a winning strategy against the Mimics, not because of a blood transfusion that robbed her of it. In the book, Rita has a top secret research team study the loop. Her battles took her to Europe and the Far East. A Mimic time loop lasted thirty hours. Rita felt alone when trapped in the loop. Japan had managed to avoid invasion by the Mimics, because it was just the right distance from Asia. China fashioned a toy that looked like Rita. The war also waged in Indonesia. When the soldiers speak military jargon to each other, it's called bursts because it's short and to the point. Rita always wanted to meet a fellow looper in the book; they would teach each other a special sentence to recognize each other, "Japanese restaurants don't charge for green tea". Rita's name for the Mimics in the book, is Servers.

  • Edge of Tomorrow - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • In the book, after all the loops, Rita feels like a comrade to Cage, but to her he's a stranger.

  • Edge of Tomorrow - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • Bérénice Bejo was considered for the role of Rita Vrataski.

  • Edge of Tomorrow - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • Both this and another Tom Cruise film, Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015) have scenes set in London and were made one after another.

  • Edge of Tomorrow - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • Cage is younger in the book but as short as Tom Cruise.

  • Edge of Tomorrow - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • Emily Blunt's first action film; Tom Cruise thought she was screwed because she was thrown in at the deep end. Blunt had never done a film of this magnitude before but felt it lived up to all the buzz.

  • Edge of Tomorrow - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • Farell's first name in the book is Barthalomew. He had more battles under his belt than almost anyone in the UDF (United Defence Force).

  • Edge of Tomorrow - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • Tom Cruise thought this was a very ambitious movie that takes you on an enormously entertaining journey.

  • Edge of Tomorrow - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • Tom Cruise said he made the film for the audience.

  • Edge of Tomorrow - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • The film's plot could have been the plot for the fifth Terminator film, which was made as Terminator Genisys (2015). The film would had taken place after Terminator Salvation (2009) and the plot would had followed John Connor, who discovers Skynet has created a device that manipulates time, and Connor finds himself living the same day over and over again and Connor sets out to convince Kyle Reese that he is reliving the same day over and over and that the resistance must find the device and destroy it.

  • Edge of Tomorrow - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • Alex Zane said this was one of the best science fiction films of 2014.

  • Edge of Tomorrow - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • Rita is estimated to be 22 in the novel, but Emily Blunt was 31 at the time of filming.

  • Edge of Tomorrow - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • Rita cries in the book when she learns Cage is a looper but doesn't in the film.

  • Edge of Tomorrow - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • Action carrying on after Cage is run over by the truck he rolls under might suggest each death causes a new timeline. More likely is that Cage wasn't killed instantly and so we saw other characters react to his injuries before he died and reset the day. If each death did create a new timeline then there are a huge number of realities where Rita is prosecuted for killing a fellow soldier in cold blood in the training simulator.

  • Edge of Tomorrow - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • Doug Liman says Paris is very close to his heart and is the most beautiful city in the world; he had previously filmed there on The Bourne Identity (2002). On this film, he got to showcase Paris in a completely different light.

  • Edge of Tomorrow - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • An alternative, darker ending was considered for the film as follows: As they approach Paris in the drop-ship, Cage briefs the soldiers that they must not kill an Alpha or it will cause a time loop and "we'll be right back here having this conversation, and we won't even know it." During fighting, one of the soldiers gets separated, then confronts and kills an Alpha. The audience sees the Omega reset the day and witnesses the same conversation as before about not killing an Alpha, but then an attack starts and the audience knows that the Mimics have the upper hand as the movie ends. The actual released movie has scenes in the drop-ship where the soldiers are reviewing Cage's warning and one says "Do not kill an Alpha or we'll never even know we had this conversation and they'll know we're coming". Also, when the Mimics begin firing on the ship, somebody yells "They know we're coming, Cage!" These scenes were probably filmed for the alternate ending.

  • Edge of Tomorrow - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • The melee weapon Rita uses is not from the aircraft that is used to drop the soldiers during Operation Downfall. It may be modeled from a different aircraft that has been built in the movie but not in real life. Bell Boeing labels aircraft panels and items normally removed a lot during maintenance to aid with easy re-install, meaning the "POS 53" could be the position of the blade on its aircraft. The serial number painted does not correspond to any present aircraft nor its assemblies. The manufacture or Weight and Balance Plate says UDF (United Defense Force), the name of the army, where as normal blades will have the manufactures name here, not the military that uses it. Any 2014 and earlier tail or main rotor blades would be a horrible weapon and destroyed the first time it hit something.

  • Edge of Tomorrow - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

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