Deadwood: The Movie ending explained (spoilers)

  • 		George Hearst would die in 1891. His son William Randolph Hearts would become even more famous. 			A.W Merrick would die in 1902. The Black Hills Weekly Pioneer is still in circulation. 			Seth Bullock would die in 1919. The Bullock Hotel is still in operation. 			Martha Bullock would die in 1939. 			Sol Star would die in 1917 after a lengthy career in the South Dakota State House. 			Charlie Utter disappears from the historical record after 1880. Thought certain historians claim that he was alive and well but blind in 1912 in Panama City. 			Calamity Jane would die in 1903 of alcoholism. 			Joanie Stubs who is based in part on Dora DuFran died in 1934 			Self proclaimed Black General Samuel Fields would disappear from the historical records after 1890. 			Al Swearengen would leave Deadwood in 1899 after the Gem theatre burnt down again. He would die in 1904. Historians are debating whether it was suicide or murder. 			Wild Bill Hickok, Calamity Jane, A.W Merrick, Seth and Martha Bullock, and Dora DuFran are all buried in Mount Moriah Deadwood South Dakota.
  • Deadwood: The Movie ending explained (spoilers)

  • It turns out that when the dad fell asleep at the wheel in the beginning of the movie, he ended up crashing the car into the mysterious lady in white that they kept seeing throughout the movie. This car crash between them killed the entire family instantly (Brad Miller, Richard Harrington, Laura Harrington, Frank Harrington, as well as the lady in white and her little baby daughter). The only one to survive is Marion Harrington, and she is pregnant.

    The whole entire drive down that quiet road after the crash was all a nightmare that Marion had and the rest of her family was already dead. But she doesnt know this, it seems like they are still alive and her dream seems so real to her. When, in her dream, it was only Marion left alive, she is confronted with the black car she kept seeing, which is a hearse. The lady in white says to Marion, Hes not here for you as the lady in white gets into the car. Marion then wakes up in the hospital.

    The doctor taking care of her was Dr. Helen Marcott. Marion worked that name into her dream from hearing the name, hence the Marcott sign that the family saw and never made it to. So in all, it was basically Death, if you will, coming to claim the familys souls one-by-one. The reason that they seemed to be on the never-ending road is because you can say that it was almost a state of purgatory/limbo that the family would be in until every soul was claimed. When the lady in White is shown at the end, and tells Marion hes not here for her, its her saying that she will live. Then Dr. Marcott meets up with that guy in the black car (who discovered the accident on the road) and told him she liked his car. Hers wouldnt start, so she got a ride from him - becoming his next victim.

    But actually the end credits scene show two workers cleaning up the accident and finding the paper that the dad wrote saying the things he wanted to do when it was all over. So then... all that really did happen.

  • Deadwood: The Movie ending explained (spoilers)

  • After Bela Lugosi (Martin Landau) dies, Ed (Johnny Depp) manages to get funding for his next film from his landlord and his associates. However, they force Ed to change the films title from Grave Robbers From Outer Space to Plan 9 From Outer Space and then object to him direcing the film in drag. Angered, Ed goes to a pub (still in drag) and meets his idol, Orson Welles (Vincent DOnofrio), who advises him not to let the producers interfere with his film-making. Ed finishes the film his way and after the premiere, he drives off with Kathy (Patricia Arquette) to Las Vegas to get married, never finding out the audiences reaction to Plan 9 from Outer Space. Years later, Ed directed monster nudie films, struggled with alcoholism and never achieved mainstream success; he died at the age of 54 in 1978 and two years later he was voted The Worst Director of all Time. Kathy was married to Ed until his death and she never remarried. Bunny Breckenridge (Bill Murray) never got his sex change operation. Tor Johnson starred in many B movies and his face became a bestselling Halloween mask; he died in 1971. Criswell (Jeffrey Jones) continued making inaccurate predictions (often on The Tonight Show); he died in 1982. Eds ex-girlfriend Dolores (Sarah Jessica Parker) became a successful songwriter. Vampira tried to sue horror movie hostess Elvira (for stealing her act) in the 80s but didnt succeed.

  • Deadwood: The Movie ending explained (spoilers)

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