The Cabin in the Woods ending explained (spoilers)

  • By the end, only Dana and Marty are left. They make their way down to the underground control room and let loose all the horror movie monsters meant as potential killers for them. The creatures kill all the workers. The Director of the whole operation tells Dana and Marty that the whole thing was a staged ritual to sacrifice people to the gods that ruled the Earth years ago and now reside underground. If the gods don't recieve a proper sacrifice, they rise and destroy the world. Dana considers killing Marty to save the world, but she is attacked by a werewolf. Marty fights the Director, who gets killed by a zombie. Bloody and battered, Dana and Marty share a joint as the gods rise to destroy the world.

  • The Cabin in the Woods ending explained (spoilers)

  • 		Jules (Anna Hutchinson) - beheaded by the family of hick backwoodszombies in front of her boyfriend Curt. 			Curt (Chris Hemsworth) - Tries to jump over a giant gorge to the road to freedom on a motorbike so he can go get help. Hits the invisible force field trapping the kids at the cabin and plummets to his death. 			Holden (Jesse Williams) - Stabbed through the throat by one of the hick backwoods zombies after assuring Dana everything would be ok. 			Truman (Brian White) - Ripped apart by evil scarecrows and regular zombieswhile trying to protect the facility. 			Hadley (Bradley Whitford) - Eaten by his favorite creature, a merman, who then ejects his blood through its blowhole, 			Sitterson (Richard Jenkins) - Accidentally stabbed to death by Dana in the confusion of the monster breakout. Dies asking Dana to kill Marty to seal away the elder gods. 			Cult Director (Sigourney Weaver) - mauled by one the hick backwoods zombies, and then Dana kicks them both into the pit with the evil elder gods. 			Dana (Kristen Connolly) and Marty (Fran Kranz) - presumably killed by the elder gods after surviving maulings bya hick backwoods zombies and a werewolf respectively. 			Many others killed by cenobite-type demons, demonic ballerinas, ghosts, giant snakes, zombies, bat-creatures, werewolves, and of course, a killer clown.
  • The Cabin in the Woods ending explained (spoilers)

  • After Bela Lugosi (Martin Landau) dies, Ed (Johnny Depp) manages to get funding for his next film from his landlord and his associates. However, they force Ed to change the films title from Grave Robbers From Outer Space to Plan 9 From Outer Space and then object to him direcing the film in drag. Angered, Ed goes to a pub (still in drag) and meets his idol, Orson Welles (Vincent DOnofrio), who advises him not to let the producers interfere with his film-making. Ed finishes the film his way and after the premiere, he drives off with Kathy (Patricia Arquette) to Las Vegas to get married, never finding out the audiences reaction to Plan 9 from Outer Space. Years later, Ed directed monster nudie films, struggled with alcoholism and never achieved mainstream success; he died at the age of 54 in 1978 and two years later he was voted The Worst Director of all Time. Kathy was married to Ed until his death and she never remarried. Bunny Breckenridge (Bill Murray) never got his sex change operation. Tor Johnson starred in many B movies and his face became a bestselling Halloween mask; he died in 1971. Criswell (Jeffrey Jones) continued making inaccurate predictions (often on The Tonight Show); he died in 1982. Eds ex-girlfriend Dolores (Sarah Jessica Parker) became a successful songwriter. Vampira tried to sue horror movie hostess Elvira (for stealing her act) in the 80s but didnt succeed.

  • The Cabin in the Woods ending explained (spoilers)

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