Movies like Doubt (movies similar to Doubt)

  • Doubt is a great movie. And, if you enjoyed the movie, you are sure gonna love these. Lets make a list of movies that are similar or suited for same audience.

  • Movies like Doubt (movies similar to Doubt)

  • The Magdalene Sisters 2002

    Four women are given into the custody of the Magdalene sisterhood asylum to correct their sinful behavior Crispina and Rose have given birth to a premarital child Margaret got raped by her cousin and the orphan Bernadette had been repeatedly ...

    The Magdalene Sisters features bleak, brutal, suspense, disturbing and serious style.

  • Movies like Doubt (movies similar to Doubt)

  • Agnes of God 1985

    When a dead newborn is found wrapped in bloody sheets in the bedroom wastebasket of a young novice psychiatrist Martha Livingston is called in to determine if the seemingly innocent novice who knows nothing of sex or birth is competent enough ...

    Agnes of God features psychological, suspenseful, serious, realistic and atmospheric style.

  • Movies like Doubt (movies similar to Doubt)

  • Luce 2019

    A star athlete and top student Luces idealized image is challenged by one of his teachers when his unsettling views on political violence come to light putting a strain on family bonds while igniting intense debates on race and identity.

    Luce features thought provoking, psychological, suspense, non-linear and twists and turns

  • Movies like Doubt (movies similar to Doubt)

  • Luce 2019

    A star athlete and top student Luces idealized image is challenged by one of his teachers when his unsettling views on political violence come to light putting a strain on family bonds while igniting intense debates on race and identity.

    Luce features thought provoking, psychological, suspense, non-linear and twists and turns

  • Movies like Doubt (movies similar to Doubt)

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