The Trojan Horse scenario in the film is a bit different from the Homeric version of the story. The entire brain trust of the Greek army is shown in the Horse, which in Homer's Odyssey was inhabited only by a bunch of sappers supervised by Odysseus, whose mission was to open the gates so a much larger Greek army could enter. (Publius Vergilius Maro's first century B.C. retelling in the Aeneid, put the high commanders in the horse.) Oedipus is present, even though in the original stories he had died before the Trojan War ever began. Agamemnon's father was the wholly-human king Atreus, not the Minotaur beast. Agamemnon was already married, long before the Trojan War, but Ms. Grunion would not have been the only "prize" he brought home.