Venom - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • Watch the closing credits. The Black Mamba snake leaves a little present for all who do so, a much used typical horror genre story element ending, which is a baby venomous Black Mamba snake just hatched. The final moments set up the possibility of a sequel, although none was forthcoming.

  • Venom - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • The movie's closing credits declare: "The Producers wish to extend their thanks to David Ball, overseer of reptiles at London Zoo, without whose skill and courage in the handling of the deadly Black Mamba [snake], this film could not have been made".

  • Venom - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • At least three cast members, that replaced director Tobe Hooper hired for this film, would finally get to work with him on the later movie Lifeforce (1985) about four years later, they being John Forbes-Robertson, Peter Porteous and Nicholas Donnelly.

  • Venom - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • The first poster advertisements printed up for the film had Tobe Hooper credited as director, even though he would leave the film early in production.

  • Venom - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • Promotional artwork for the film formed snake fangs out the serifs of the characters "V" and "M" letters in the movie's "VenoM" title logos.

  • Venom - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • Director Piers Haggard has said of the movie in a 2003 interview for 'Fangoria' magazine: "I took over that at very short notice. Tobe Hooper had been directing it and they had stopped for whatever reason. It hadn't been working. I did see some of his stuff and it didn't look particularly good plus he also had some sort of nervous breakdown or something. So anyway they stopped shooting and offered it to me. Unfortunately I had commitments, I had some commercials to shoot. But anyway I took it over with barely ten days of preparation - which shows. It doesn't become my picture, it's a bit inbetween . . . [actor Oliver Reed was] scary at first because he was always testing you all the time. Difficult but not as difficult as Klaus Kinski. Because Oliver [Reed] actually had a sense of humour. I was rather fine of him; he could be tricky but he was quite warm really. He just played games and was rather macho and so on. Klaus Kinski was very cold. The main problem with the film was that the two didn't get on and they fought like cats. Kinski of course is a fabulous film actor and he's good in the part, the part suits him very well. They were both well cast but it was a very unhappy film. I think Klaus was the problem but then Oliver spent half the movie just trying to rub him up, pulling his leg all the way. There were shouting matches because Oliver just wouldn't let up. None of this is about art. All the things that you're trying to concentrate on tend to slip. So it was not a happy period".

  • Venom - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • Publicity for this picture stated from the film's plotline story elements that anti-venom serum treatment from a bite from a Black Mamba snake would only be effective in fifty per cent of any of their snake-bite victims.

  • Venom - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • The amount of the ransom demand for the release of the kidnapped boy Philip (Lance Holcomb) was UK £1 million in mixed currencies.

  • Venom - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • Actor Michael Gough played a character called David Ball who had the same name as the film's snake handler and reptile consultant David Ball from the London Zoo. Gough 's character David Ball in the film is actually based on the real London Zoo Keeper David Ball and was effectively actually named after him.

  • Venom - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

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