Iron Man 3 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • Production was delayed on August 15, 2012, when Robert Downey, Jr.'s ankle was injured in a stunt.

  • Iron Man 3 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • "The Mandarin" is an invention of Killian's A.I.M. outfit. The mansion from which The Mandarin's broadcasts emanate is in Miami, Florida. "Miami" spelled backwards is "Imaim", "I'm A.I.M."

  • Iron Man 3 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • When Eric Savin boards Air Force One using the "Iron Patriot" armor as a disguise, President Ellis salutes him. One historical theory of how saluting started was so that each person saluting was raising the visor of their armor to show who they are and that they mean no harm as lifting their visor would leave their face unprotected.

  • Iron Man 3 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • The ring on the Mandarin's right pinkie is the same one Raza wore in Iron Man (2008).

  • Iron Man 3 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • The idea that The Mandarin in this movie is merely a front for a very different group of villains was controversial, since The Mandarin in the comics and animated series was an actual leader of the terrorist group "The Ten Rings", and Iron Man's long-standing archenemy. However, in Marvel One-Shot: All Hail the King (2014) (conceived by co-writer Drew Pearce during production of this movie), it is revealed that Aldrich Killian illegitimately "borrowed" the name and reputation of an existing villain for his own ends. This angered The Ten Rings, who subsequently abducted Trevor Slattery from prison so he can answer to the real Mandarin.

  • Iron Man 3 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • Audi vehicles are once again prominently featured, having also been shown in the first two movies. Vehicles featured this time around are an Audi R8 e-tron concept car, driven by Tony (and seen falling into the ocean when his Malibu compound is blown up), an Audi S7 driven by Pepper Potts, and an Audi A8 used by Tony later.

  • Iron Man 3 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • The idea of the Mandarin being a false face was co-writer Drew Pearce's idea, and Shane Black took to it like a shot: "Who would be fool enough to declare that he is an international terrorist?"

  • Iron Man 3 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • Anthony Mackie auditioned for the role of The Mandarin.

  • Iron Man 3 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • Tony's chest shrapnel is the only injury in the Marvel Cinematic Universe that lasted more than one movie, and set a record for lasting four movies. It was removed at the end of this movie.

  • Iron Man 3 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • The plot incorporates several storylines from "Iron Man" comics: The "Extremis" arc, which involved Tony Stark developing and using the Extremis virus, a nanotech version of Captain America's serum. Tony Stark is ousted, and rendered a homeless vagrant, and while wandering around, befriends a civilian who inspires him. The Mandarin seeks to use Extremis as a weapon of mass destruction. The "Invincible Iron Man" arc, where Stark goes on the run, and War Machine and Rescue appear in his place. The "Armor Wars" arc, where Tony Stark fakes his death, due to constant harassment by Firepower. The "Enter the Mandarin" arc, where Iron Man clashes with the Mandarin.

  • Iron Man 3 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • Several scenes seen in trailers didn't make the final cut. For example, a scene where the Mandarin (Trevor Slattery) is seen rising up from a throne of sorts in an oriental-esque chamber was at no point included in the movie, and neither was a scene where the same Mandarin is hanging someone's dog tags on a knife embedded in a wall. Iron Patriot (Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes) doesn't lift up the mask of his helmet while in the suit at any point.

  • Iron Man 3 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • Brandt was originally considered as Killian's henchwoman instead of Savin. She would've even emerged instead of Killian in the ending moment, with Pepper engaging her in a fight.

  • Iron Man 3 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

  • The first cut was three hours and fifteen minutes long. The final cut was two hours and ten minutes long.

  • Iron Man 3 - Trivia, Questions and Fun Facts

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