The movie's disappointing box-office result has often been contributed to the fact that the fans of Arnold Schwarzenegger did not appreciate their hero effectively spoofing himself, as well as the action genre that had made him great. However, time apparently seems to have made audiences much kinder to this movie and its type of self-aware humor. Schwarzenegger's next movie, True Lies (1994), which had a more subtle form of self-parody, did much better critically and financially, as did The Expendables (2010), The Expendables 2 (2012), and The Expendables 3 (2014), where Schwarzenegger parodied some of his famous trademarks. In fact, characters becoming aware of their own movie conventions became a big thing in the Scream (1996) franchise, and Danny's observation that villains often make the mistake of laying out their entire plan in a lengthy monologue was effectively re-used in The Incredibles (2004).