Every step of Dr. Hannibal Lecter's elaborate prison break foreshadows some aspect of Buffalo Bill's method of operation, possibly hinting that he was trying to leave Starling a few clues before he vanished. First, he mutilates one of the guards by tearing flaps of skin from his back and splaying them out like wings, hinting at Bill's obsession with moths. Then he gets out of prison by cutting off a guard's face and using it as a mask, hinting at Bill's desire to change his identity by making a suit from women's skin. Finally, he confuses the Police by switching clothes with one of the guards and throwing the guard's corpse into an elevator shaft, much like Bill moves into his victim's house to confuse anyone who finds his old house. Even the poster counts as this, it shows a moth covering the mouth of a ghostly female face. Part of Bill's method of operation is placing a moth in the mouths of the women he kills.